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Nooks for under $75!

Apr 25, 2011   [permalink]

Whoa, just heard about this deal -- which will be gone fast.

Overstock.com has refurbished black&white Nooks for $71.99 + $2.95 shipping after a 10% off coupon.

Here's the link:


I'm still partial to the color Nook, but geez, that's hard to pass up.

This also shows the general direction ebook reader prices are going. (I.e., down, down, down.)

And if you want a color Nook, or they're out of the refurbs, here's a link you can get one from B&N (with a small percent helping out the Critters fund drive):

If you're thinking of buying a nook — and the color nook looks pretty cool, not to mention $149 for B&W is a great deal — consider clicking here to make your purchase. We'd get a small percent of the sale to help the fund drive. Nook- the award winning Barnes and Noble eReader with 3G and WIFI

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