Bloggy Bits
Survey on book earnings
Feb 19, 2011 [permalink]
A few years ago Tobias Buckell did a survey on first novel sales and how much people earned. It was really interesting and useful. Times have changed, so this survey is geared to measure current trends in publishing: How much are authors earning for books they've sold in the last year. Not limited to first novels -- any book sold in the last 12 months. Whether sold to a major publisher, small press, or self-published. Whether in print or electronic forms. It's also geared to track the effect of prior sales -- e.g., how large an advance are first authors getting vs. midlist authors.
This survey is open to all authors who've signed a contract for a book within the last 12 months. This includes contracts from major publishers, small presses, or self-publishing agreements.
If you're an author, you'll probably want to know this. Knowledge is power. All entries are anonymous. So help us out and enter your data!
The survey is at:
Please spread the word so we can collect as much data as possible. Thanks!